Submit batch computing jobs to MMCloud
Login to MMCloud
Note: there is a firewall issue on our departmental HPC, so we can not login to float on HPC. Please use your laptop or desktop to run the float
This assumes that your admin has already created a MMCloud account for you, with a username and password provided. To login,
float login -u <username> -a <op_center_ip_address>
float login -u gaow -a
Note: If you see an error during your runs akin to this Token error, you likely have not logged in to the appropriate opcenter
Error: Invalid token
If you do not have a username in the MMCloud OpCenter, please talk to your system admin. They will provide you a username and password you can log into and submit jobs under.
Execute a simple command through pre-configured docker containers
Here is an example running a simple bash script
using pecotmr_docker
image file available from our online docker image repositories. The
has these contents (copied from running ?susieR::susie
in R terminal):
Rscript - << 'EOF'
# susie example
n = 1000
p = 1000
beta = rep(0,p)
beta[1:4] = 1
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow = n,ncol = p)
X = scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
y = drop(X %*% beta + rnorm(n))
res = susie(X,y,L = 10)
print("Maximum posterior inclusions probability:")
saveRDS(res, "susie_example_result.rds")
The command below will submit the above bash script to AWS accessing 2 CPUs and 8GB of Memory.
float submit -i -j -c 2 -m 8
It will print some of the quantities to standard output stream which you can track by the follow command,
float log cat stdout.autosave -j <job_id>
where <job_id>
is available via float list
which will shows all jobs from the current MMCloud OpCenter. You can roughly understand OpCenter as the “login node” of an HPC that manages job submission. Please use float -h
to learn more about job management using the float
Notice that even though this R script write output to a file calle susie_example_result.rds
you will not find that file after the job finishes, because by default it is written to somewhere in the virtual machine (VM) instance that was fired up to run the computing, which is deleted after the job is done. To keep the results we need to mount to the VM some AWS S3 bucket where we keep the data. This will be introduced in the next section.
Submit multiple jobs for “embarrassing parallel” processing
To submit multiple computing tasks all at once, we assume that:
- Each job is one line of bash command
- No dependencies between jobs — multiple jobs can be executed in parallel
- All these jobs uses similar CPU and memory resource
Example: running multiple SoS pipelines in parallel
Suppose you have a bioinformatics pipeline script in SoS language, a text file called my_pipeline.sos
that reads like this:
paramter: gene = str
parameter: entrypoint= ""
output: f"{gene}.txt"
R: entrypoint=entrypoint, expand=True
write("success", {_output:r})
Make sure my_pipeline.sos
exists in your bucket, as that is how the VM will be able to access it.
Suppose you have 3 jobs to run in parallel, possibly using different docker images, like below. The <location>
in the script will be where your bucket will be mounted on your instance. Please note that there is one sos
sos run /<location>/my_pipeline.sos --gene APOE4
sos run /<location>/my_pipeline.sos --gene BIN1
sos run /<location>/my_pipeline.sos --gene TREM2
You save these lines to
and use
to submit them —
is a utility script which calls executables aws
and float
(or any other binary names to be specified using --float-executable
) to prepare and submit jobs.
Ensure you have obtained lastest version of three scripts in the src/
folder of this repository. You can git clone
the repo to get all files in this repo but you must keep the required files in the same folder when you run commands. These files are
. You need to keep these 2 files in the same folder when you run commands in this document. The easiest way to do so is to just clone the repo to your local machine.
Below is an example
submit command. The below command is an example when submitting on MacOS, when your float
binary is called float.darwin_arm64
. If you are submitting on Linux, there is no need to specify float-executable
, as the default command is float
bash $jobman \ \
-c 2 \
-m 8 \
--mountOpt "mode=rw" \
--mount statfungen/ftp_fgc_xqtl:/home/$username/data \
--download statfungen/<FOLDER_LOCATION_IN_BUCKET>/:/home/$username/input/ \
--job-size 3 \
--parallel-commands 1 \
--float-executable float.darwin_arm64 \
Keep in mind the --dryrun
parameter below will not actually run your command, but will print it out instead for debugging purposes. You can remove --dryrun
to actually submit the job.
There are many parameters you can use in your run. You can call --help
to provide the comprehensive list of the parameters, which is also shown below.
Usage: [options] <script>
-c <min>:<optional max> Specify the exact number of CPUs to use, or, with ':', the min and max of CPUs to use. Required.
-m <min>:<optional max> Specify the exact amount of memory to use, or, with ':', the min and max of memory in GB. Required.
--cwd <value> Define the working directory for the job (default: ~).
--download <remote>:<local> Download files/folders from S3. Format: <S3 path>:<local path> (optional).
--upload <local>:<remote> Upload folders to S3. Format: <local path>:<S3 path> (optional).
--download-include '<value>' Use the include flag to include certain files for download (space-separated) (optional).
--dryrun Execute a dry run, printing commands without running them.
--image <value> Specify the Docker image to use for the job (default:
--vm-policy <spotOnly|onDemand|spotFirst> Specify On-demand or Spot instance (default: spotFirst).
--job-size <value> Set the number of commands per job for creating virtual machines (required).
--mount <bucket>:<local> Mount an S3 bucket to a local directory. Format: <bucket>:<local path> (optional).
--mountOpt <value> Specify mount options for the bucket (required if --mount is used).
--ebs-mount <folder>=<size> Mount an EBS volume to a local directory. Format: <local path>=<size>. Size in GB (optional).
--no-fail-fast Continue executing subsequent commands even if one fails.
--opcenter <value> Provide the Opcenter address for the job (default:
--parallel-commands <value> Set the number of commands to run in parallel (default: min number of CPUs).
--min-cores-per-command <value> Specify the minimum number of CPU cores required per command (optional).
--min-mem-per-command <value> Specify the minimum amount of memory in GB required per command (optional).
--float-executable <path> Specify the path to the float executable (default: float).
--help Show this help message.
Some extra points on the parameters:
- For the
option, providing a trailing/
for the<local>
folder will copy the contents of the folder into the<remote> folder
. Not having a trailing/
will copy the entire folder. Remember to not put a trailing/
at the end of the<remote>
folder of yourupload
command. - Providing just one argument for
will have all--mount
buckets share the same mount options. Multiple--mountOpt
arguments will set mount options for the respective buckets in order. Therefore, if multiple--mountOpt
arguments are provided, the script will expect the same number of--mount
options. - For the
option, DO NOT adds3://
to the name of your bucket. Simply put the name of your bucket + subdirectories you want to mount. - For the
option, if your<remote>
is intended to be a folder, add a trailing/
at the end. This will make it so the folder is copied as a folder into your<local>
directory. If not trailing/
is provided, you will be copying a file and overriding the file on<local>
- Each
will correspond to their respective--download
will be for the first--download
, etc). It is up to the user to make sure their parameters are correct and to make note of this respective matching. - Since by default the working directory of the job is
, you will need to provide the location ofmy_pipeline.sos
relative to that. For example, if I submit the job and mount my bucket (where I have previously uploadedmy_pipeline.sos
) under<directory-to-mount>
, I should expect my job script to reflect that. For example,sos run /<directory-to-mount>/my_pipeline.sos --gene APOE4
- The default OpCenter when submitting
jobs is3.82.198.55
. In order to specify a different OpCenter, submit with--opcenter
. You will always need to login before submitting
. This is because we do not want to login with every submission and simply check if the logged-in OpCenter matches the OpCenter we are submitting with.
For additional examples please check them out here on GitHub.
Monitoring jobs on MMCloud
After submitting jobs to the cloud through an MMCloud OpCenter we need to monitor the status and details of the job through the web interface of the opcenters or using CLI. So far we have 2 opcenters for our lab:
- (mainly for interactive jobs)
- (mainly for batch jobs - you want to submit onto this OpCenter)
Using OpCenter GUI
OpCenters provide Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that enable users to monitor and manually adjust job statuses, including suspension and migration. To access the MMcloud GUI for your corresponding OpCenter, use your OpCenter credentials at https://<OpcenterIP>
. For instance, if your OpCenter IP is, you would navigate to
in your browser. Upon logging in, you’ll be able to view all jobs associated with this OpCenter. Your interactive job is typically named <your_username>_jupyter_8888
by default. If you’re running multiple jobs you can track them using search and filter features on the interface.
Upon clicking on your job, you will see comprehensive information on status and resources usage of your job:
- Basic Information: At the top, you’ll find details about your job, including the job ID, user, host, and the overall time and cost consumed.
- Instances: Monitor CPU and memory usage, instance status, cost, and location for the resources you’re utilizing.
- Storage Volume: Track your storage volume, which typically defaults to 60 GB.
- Settings:
Target Port
in the Network section (usually showing 8888 -> gateway IP address)Input Arguments
displaying the command that initialized your jobJob script
showing your submitted job script. Checking on these settings is particulrly relevant when you use our wrapper
which will automatically modify your original commands to make it work for MMCloud. You can track these exact modifications this way.
- Attachments (Log Files):
for checking the jobs whenFailToComplete
or other error status occurstderr.autosave
for tracking messages and issues printed tostderr
stream, or locating your initial token for Jupter Lab sessions
for tracking messages and issues printed tostdout
Note: The latter two log files are more frequently used with mmjobman than with mm_interactive.
- Wave Watcher: Track real-time CPU and memory usage for your job. This tool is invaluable for assessing resource usage of a job and adjusting your next submission command in terms of CPU and memory to fit your actual usage better.
Using command interface
To check the staus using CLI query:
float squeue
which should show the job ID. Then check log files generated for a job,
float log -j <jobID> ls #check log file name
float log -j <jobID> cat <logfile> #check log file contents
For admins, another way to get the logs of a job (with the use of a script) from the opcenter itself. logs of the job are stored under /mnt/memverge/slurm/work
. Two levels of directories that correspond to the first two pairs of characters for the job. For example, for job id “jkbzo4y7c529fiko0jius”, the contents are stored under /mnt/memverge/slurm/work/jk/bz/o4y7c529fiko0jius
It is also possible to use those IDs to save the log file contents via
float log download -j JOB_ID
Cancel and rerun failed jobs
- Cancel all or selected jobs
float scancel --filter "status=*" -f
# or
float scancel -f --filter user=*
To suspend jobs through the CLI is float suspend -j <job_id>
- Rerun FailToComplete jobs since a given submission date
Currently, unfortunately memverge do not have a way to rerun multiple jobs at once given a submission date/any other filter method. As of now, the only way for rerunning a job is through the GUI (one at a time) or with float rerun -j <JOB_ID>
. Consider to change the -c and -m parameters to avoid floating which is the often the reason why these jobs failed to complete.
Install packages not availabe from container image
In our setup, submitting batch jobs uses packages that we install to EFS, an AWS cloud storage system with fast disk performance.
is configured in such a way that all users will load these packages when submitting via
. If a package needs to be install or updated, please ask the MMCloud admin because the update will impact all batch submission jobs.
For admin please refer to this section on how to install / update packages.
This section documents frequently encountered issues and solutions.
Server internal error
When you got the error Error: server internal error. please contact the service owner. detail: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field jobRest.Jobs.actualEmission of type float64.
The likely reason for this is that your local binary version is older than the OpCenter version. You can follow the lab wiki instructions to upgrade it or re-install float binary.
Failure to Connect to MMCloud Due to Network Issues
It is known that:
cannot connect to MMCloud from Columbia Neurology HPC.float
cannot connect to MMCloud from some VPN networks at certain institutes, although it can connect if you are on the CUMC VPN.
When these issues occur, please consider switching to a different network and try again.
Known issues
This section documents some of the known problems / possible improvements we can make down the road.
Better streamlined workflows
Currently we support only embarrassing parallel jobs running the same docker image.
This is done via the
shell script which is a simple wrapper to float
for job submission.
Down the road we plan to use nextflow
to manage other commands include those written in SoS
In the context of the FunGen-xQTL protocol for example, the mini-protocols can be implemented using nextflow
whereas the modules can be implemented using any language including SoS