List of lab projects

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  • ADSP functional genomics consortium brain xQTL project. A consortium project in collaboration with ADSP researchers across the country, to curate a comprehensive multi-omics QTL resource for brain tissues, and to integrate the resource for Alzheimer’s disease studies.
    • Hao Sun and Xuanhe Chen.
  • Alzheimer’s disease (AD) gene mapping in multi-ethnic families. The project aims to identify novel AD targets using WGS and WES data from >1000 AD families of Hispanics, European and African Americans.
    • Yiu Liu and Chong Li.
  • Alzhemier’s disease analysis in Biobank studies. This project aims to profile Alzhemier’s disease risk factors through integrating genomics and other phenotype records in Biobank data, including prediction of AD phenotype and investigation of study designs (sample matching and case-only design).
    • Rui Dong.
  • Association studies of pleiotropic variants: candidate region analysis. For given regions of interest across multiple phenotypes, a number of statistical workflows will be developed for fine-mapping, pleiotropy, and mediation analysis, including new and efficient colocalization method we develop for analyzing multiple phenotypes.
    • Balewgizie Tegegne.



  • Dynamic statistical comparisons. This is continued development of the DSC software for benchmarking computational experiments in statistics and computational biology (collaboration with Professor Matthew Stephens’ group and Professor Bo Peng’s group).
    • Gao Wang, Yuxin Zou, Bo Peng and Matthew Stephens.