Setup AWS and MemVerge

MemVerge float tool for interactive and batch job submission

Download Float from the Operation Center

  • For linux user
       wget https://<op_center_ip_address>/float --no-check-certificate
       # Example using an IP address:
       wget --no-check-certificate
  • For Mac Intel chip user
       wget https://<op_center_ip_address>/float.darwin_amd64 --no-check-certificate
       # Example using an IP address:
       wget --no-check-certificate
  • For Mac Apple Silicon M chip user
       wget https://<op_center_ip_address>/float.darwin_arm64 --no-check-certificate
       # Example using an IP address:
       wget --no-check-certificate
  • For Windows user, the float file above is not compatible, so you need to access and manually downloaded the version of the tool specifically for Windows.

Or you can choose to open MMCloud OpCenter and download it with GUI.

To make your own username in the MMCloud OpCenter, please talk to your system admin. They will provide you a username and password you can log into and submit jobs under.

Move and Make It Executable

  • For MAC and Linux users with sudo access, replace <float_binary> below with what you just downloaded,
       sudo mv <float_binary> /usr/local/bin
       sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/<float_binary> 
  • For users without sudo you can add export PATH=$PATH:<PATH> in your ~/.bashrc where <PATH> is path to <float_binary> executable. Don’t forget to source it afterwards. Then,
      chmod +x <PATH>/<float_binary> 
  • For Windows user: Files located in C:\Windows\System32 are automatically included in the system’s PATH environment variable on Windows. This means that any executable file in this directory can be run from any location in the Command Prompt without specifying the full path to the executable. The System32 directory is a crucial part of the Windows operating system, containing many of its core files and utilities. So, if float.exe is in this directory, you can run it from anywhere in the Command Prompt by just typing float.

Addressing Mac Security Settings

Optional: For Mac Users

If you are using a Mac, float command might be blocked due to your security settings. Follow these steps to address it:

  • Open ‘System Preferences’.
  • Navigate to ‘Privacy & Security ‘.
  • Under the ‘Security’ tab, you’ll see a message about Float being blocked. Click on ‘Allow Anyway’.

MacOS float command name conflict

Typically we name our <float_binary> as float. This works on Linux. But on MacOS, float is a shell reserved keyword. In that case we can keep the <float_binary> name as is, for example float.darwin_arm64 under /usr/local/bin. Then all float commands will become float.darwin_arm64, for example float.darwin_arm64 submit ....

AWS CLI tools for data management on AWS

AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. To install it from the source, you can run the command below or follow instructions here depending on your OS

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

If pixi is available for your local machine, you can install it via:

pixi global install awscli

To install the official package:

To summarize:

  • If you are Mac user, you can use below commands to install AWS CLI tools.
       curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
       sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
  • If you are HPC/Linux user, you can use to install AWS CLI tools (Also add export PATH=$PATH:/home/<UNI>/.local/bin in your ~/.bashrc and don’t forget to source it).
       curl "" -o ""
       ./aws/install -i /home/<UNI>/.local/bin/aws-cli -b /home/<UNI>/.local/bin
  • If you are Windows user, you can open cmd as administrator and use below commands to install AWS CLI tools.
       msiexec.exe /i

Check if it was installed successfully with

   which aws
   aws --version

Notes for System Admin

Please check information here if you are a System Admin.