Relevant books, papers, lectures and other learning materials online, mostly authored by others but compiled & curated by us.
Text books
- Statistics backgroud most relevant to our research.
- Computational biology.
Popular science books
- Book club 2015, a list compiled by Xin He in 2015.
- CSG book club.
Other useful books
Keep up with literature
General collections
- Nature’s Scitable.
- PLoS Compbio Education collection.
- Nature Biotech Computational Biology collection.
- Computational genomics papers, a list compiled by Xin He in 2016.
- Matthew Stephens lab reading list, papers from the lab.
Statistical genetics
Regulatory genomics and computational biology
Online courses & tutorials
- 5 minutes statistics by Matthew Stephens, with some additional material.
- highly recommended if you already know some statistics.
- Statistics in action with R
- Bayesian Data Analysis by Aki Vehtari
- Statistical Rethinking Youtube video by Richard McElreath
- highly recommended if you need an introduction to Bayesian statistics
- Misc. material:
Machine learning
- Deep learning for computer vision, Stanford
- Misc. material:
- Math for machine learning, a note from UC Berkeley CS 189/289A.
- Matrix calculus for deep learning.
- Toturial on Generative Adversarial Networks
Statistical genetics
- A practical introduction to statistical genetics by Robert Maier.
- highly recommended, even if you are already savvy in statistical genetics.
- GWAS course by Matti Pirinen
- Statistical genetics short courses by Suzanne Leal
- Misc. material:
- Software Carpentry tutorials, the “Core Lessons” on Unix Shell, git, Python and R.