An illustration of permutation testing
This notebook demonstrates basic concept of permutation testing:
- How is permutation test performed?
- How does permutation test compare to the equavalent analytical solution?
Please refer to the Example problem and Simulation study design sections of this notebook for the setup of the example used below.
An illustration in R
Code below is copied from this notebook.
# This function performs a regular two-sample t-test, two-sided
t_test <- function(x, y) {
res <- t.test(x, y, paired=T)
# statistic d-> N(0,1) so tatistic^2 is 1-df chi-squared
return (list(stat=res$statistic^2, p=res$p.value))
# Evaluate type I error or statistical power
run_simulation <- function(.simulate, param_x, param_y, .test, nrep, cutoff, statistic = 'p_value') {
sig <- 0
for (i in 1:nrep) {
x <-, param_x)
y <-, param_y)
res <- .test(x, y)
condition <- ifelse(statistic == 'p_value', res$p < cutoff, res$stat > cutoff)
if (condition) sig <- sig + 1
res <- sig/nrep
Now we add an additional function implementing a permutation-based t-test:
# Run a permutation test
perm_test <- function(x, y, nperm = 1000) {
stat <- (mean(x) - mean(y))^2
stats <- vector()
for (i in 1:nperm) {
pxy <- sample(c(x,y))
stats[i] <- (mean(pxy[1:length(x)]) - mean(pxy[(length(x) + 1):length(pxy)]))^2
return(list(stat=stat, p=length(which(stats>=stat))/nperm))
First let’s compare on the same data-set how these tests compare:
nsample <- 1000
x = runif(nsample, 0, 1)
y = runif(nsample, 0.06, 1)
print("permutation test")
they are very similar to each other. To formally evaluate the type I error and statistical power between these tests as in this notebook:
nsample <- 100
nrep <- 1000
print('t-test type I error:')
run_simulation(runif, list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), t_test, nrep, 0.05, statistic = 'p_value')
print('t-test power:')
run_simulation(runif, list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), list(n=nsample, min=0.1, max=1.1), t_test, nrep, 0.05, statistic = 'p_value')
print('permutation test type I error:')
run_simulation(runif, list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), perm_test, nrep, 0.05, statistic = 'p_value')
print('permutation test power:')
run_simulation(runif, list(n=nsample, min=0, max=1), list(n=nsample, min=0.1, max=1.1), perm_test, nrep, 0.05, statistic = 'p_value')
The behavior of type I error and power are also comparable.